Breaking the Silence

Citizens were shocked by the recent discovery that the Silent Partners, the clandestine group of unknown size that has been operating in the city for decades by means of blackmail and debt to recruit members, had disrupted the airship launch in Duhura Market by hiring the notorious beyonder assassin Eclipse and threatening to unleash the terrorist group known as the Men of Iron onto the area for further murder and mayhem. Eclipse succeeded in murdering people in cold blood; Jordan Lambtree of the Parastin was poisoned, Henry Lucas, Gilded, and Sasha Roga, Bāhira, were found in their separate bedrooms by

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Parastin Ionad Released from Police Custody

Current Ionad of the Parastin Yeagan Bascia has been released from police custody after spending the last few nights in jail. The highest ranking Parastin was arrested following an alleged altercation with an officer the Auxientian Police Department declined to identify. The official incident report said the officer responded to an assault in progress in Weatherglass on Friday evening. Upon arriving at the scene, the officer discovered Bascia standing between two inebriated Irregular factory workers. According to eyewitnesses, the officer demanded that Bascia stand down as he was operating outside of Parastin jurisdiction. Bascia ignored the officer and continued attempting

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Gilded Elect New President!


After their tragic accident several weeks before the Mayoral Summit, former President Hattenfield has remained confined to their quarters. Although the injury seemed to have largely been confined to the President’s hip, this did prevent them from visiting the city at large and required a prolonged recovery. Gilded President Hattenfield did their best to see to the duties and oversee the runnings of the faction, after the most recent turmoil within Auxientia, they decided that they could no longer care for their faction from their bedroom. Thus deciding to step down and leave a vacancy in their wake. What followed

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A SAD SOS – New at the Luciole!

Luciole LTD, recently under new management, has appointed a new Strategic Acquisitions Developer and Special Operations Specialist, according to people familiar with the matter. Quentin Cartwright, the youngest son of steel magnate and namesake of Cartwright Steel, Wolfram Tiberius Cartwright, joined the Hive in these newly created roles recently. His hiring was personally overseen by Maren Tinker, new Luciole CEO. As far as the Observer was able to determine, Quentin has not held a similar position previously, and was most recently studying abroad in Coalbourne. When the Observer reached out to the Coalbourne Chronicle about Quentin, our sister publication responded

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Police Close All Apothecary Shops in City

Police raided and quickly closed and locked up all the apothecary shops in Auxientia late last night. Auxientia Police refused to comment citing the action as part of a larger “ongoing investigation.” Witnesses claimed no arrests were made but police were seen emptying shops of the last of their wyvern’s widow. Originally a medicine produced from wyvern venom to treat ear aches, wyvern’s widow was a common item found in most apothecary shops and amongst some healers. Experts caution the drug should only be taken in very small doses. More recently, it’s been discovered that somewhat larger doses produce hallucinations

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Mystifying Owl Man Haunts City

Reports from Observer readers have been flying of a masked madman swooping in to terrify the citizens of our fair city in a nightly rampage. The mystifying owl man steals Pneumatic Translation Devices and absconds into the night. What’s more, this outlaw owl rips apart radios and interrogates innocent people about their “lost time” or “missing memories.” One victim, speaking only under the protection of anonymity, told this reporter the owl demanded to know if their devices contained “lanthanum components.” One can only conclude from these facts that this feathered freak is completely insane. Will the authorities act quickly to

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Ceremony Commemorates Six Year Siege

Citizens of the city began the day at the Duhura Market, observing a moment of silence shortly before sunrise, around the time the first beyonder warship fired upon the city 17 years ago. Breaking the silence, a somber performance of “My True Love Turns You Away” was performed. The popular song, written at the end the Siege, depicts the forbidden love affair between a beyonder soldier and an Auxientian on opposing sides of the fortifications. The two communicate to one another in song, the soldier’s allegiances slowly turned by the Auxientian’s beauty and devotion for their besieged city. The final

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Lumenstone Burglary!

A burglary claimed $9 million in etched lumenstones from the private estate of Phineas T. Barbunkle on Saturday night, the largest theft among the lake villas in a hundred years. The robbers entered the estate at approximately 1 a.m. through a service entrance and picked the lock on the vault doors in the basement of the estate, holding the Barbunkle family’s treasures dating back to the Exile period. The robbers removed the etched lumenstones from the glass display case that housed them using portable torches.  The Barbunkle family estate has housed Auxientian artifacts since its founding. Barbunkle’s ancestor, Jerome Martinado,

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Police Vow to Reclaim Stolen Historical Items

Auxientia Police Captain Malcolm Locke confirmed to reporters that several historical items lent to Mayor Cannongrove for the historical summit held nine months ago have gone missing and are presumed stolen. Locke announced a task force is presently underway to recover the items. According to Police, the Auxientia Historical Society, Parastin Order, and Police themselves had lent out several historical items to the mayoral estate for the summit. Locke promised “swift and aggressive action” in the matter. Among the stolen items, Police are seeking the return of the Flywheel Mirror, used in the infamous Weatherglass Widow heist. The Flywheel Mirror

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Puma Escapes Zoo. City on Alert.

A puma is on the loose in Auxientia. Zoo officials downplayed the danger when pressed by reporters, saying the situation was well in hand and they had every confidence that the wild beast would be reclaimed without serious incident or loss of human life.Zoo keeper Aldo Minsk warned citizens to be on the lookout for, “a black cat. He answers to the name Puma. He enjoys taking catnaps in the sun. Hard to say whether or not he’s a killer… mice maybe? He’s interested in birds, I guess? I think there’s been some sort of misunderstanding here. He’s not actually…

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Police Let Gang Members Go?

A disturbing number of incidences are being claimed by citizens of brazen crime performed in broad daylight. The city police seemly not moved to action and, in some cases, complicitly releasing the suspects without charge. Who is this new criminal organization? If the selling of the new street drug, wyvern’s widow, is their trade, where are the illegal substances originating from? Wyvern’s widow was once a popular home remedy for ear aches, but larger doses can cause euphoric hallucinations in users. Too large of a dose can cause death, as was made evident in the Eclipse murders just three months

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Riphaegen Ambassador Absconded!

Elders from the Island of Riphaegen demanded answers from Mayor Cannongrove regarding the disappearance of their ambassador to Auxientia, Marjorie Laurentis. The concerning disappearance was first noted by Ambassador Laurentis’s sister, Emmaline Laurentis, weeks prior. “Riphaegen put a lot of trust in Auxientia,” the younger Laurentis lamented, “and now we can’t even get a straight answer from authorities or the Mayor on what they’re doing to find my sister.” Laurentis was last seen at an Arms of Mercy facility using her abilities as a medical practitioner to help the cause. The organization has been recently steeped in a great deal

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Poyais Search for First Lady Jay

In the Republic of Poyais a grief stricken populous yearns for their First Lady to come home. President Ferdinand Stewart is reportedly inconsolable and spends each day locked away in the makeshift capital building distraught. “Lady Jay,” as she is affectionately known by her many admirers in Poyais was last seen at a fundraising dance for the rebuilding of homes destroyed during the Poyais revolution. Witnesses described the First lady wearing a ball gown, wedding ring, and necklace unexpectedly sprinting outside and disappearing into the night. Rumors of foul play, exercise fads, and even witchcraft have taken over nearly all

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Coulbourne Announces New Ambassador

Senator Verda Lawther of Sovereign Nation of Coalbourne announced in a letter that James Lignight will be replacing Andre Sullivan as the Coalbourne ambassador to Auxientia. Readers may recall Sullivan fell victim to the assassin plot in Duhura Market three months prior. According to the missive, Lignight hails from the Ashfall district and plans to arrive in Auxientia via the Janeway trade ship on its next circuit.

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Security for Janeway’s Firefly Uncovers Black Market Poacher Ring of Wyvern Parts

An explosion in demand for wyvern parts for fake cures in beyonder lands has created a wyvern parts black market in Auxientia. Parastin Order security on the Janeway’s Firefly airship recently uncovered crates destined for ports in Qadar, Riphagen Isle, and Coalbourne with hidden compartments revealing wyvern parts, presumably gathered illegally by poachers. Advertisements and testimonials for patent medicines made with wyvern ingredients can now be found in the windows of nearly every pharmacy in beyonder lands. These various powders, potions, elixirs, and cordials are primarily peddled by quacks, charlatans, and confidence tricksters; some of whom falsely purport to be

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Racer Sets New Record

"Next time, I might be tempted to dare Auxientia and outrace the wyverns, but I had to keep this old gal together for at least one run,” Legbail said. “Now that I've done that, I'm gearing to fly a ship that can dance with those rascals."

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Faction Voices Share Concerns for Auxientians

Auxientia has always been a divided city. Whether it is the factions themselves, wage disparity, restricted access to technology, healthcare, or even a roof over your head, one finds it hard to not see these systemic problems and want for a solution.  With the winds of change blowing across Auxientia in the past year, The Observer wanted to take a moment to check in with members from all five of the city’s factions and get their take on what struggles the average Auxientian faces. Robert Irons, Luce Kalēkṭara, Viv Bower CTO, Gilded President Sabine St. James, and Aveta Aldridge. Here

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Lightning Bug Ball Promises Masqueraded, Matchmaking Merriment!

Luciole Ltd.’s Behavioral Research Team announced that the much anticipated Lightning Bug Ball is to be held once again at the Hive. This year, the organizers will provide archetype masks for attendees to disguise themselves: the Explorer, the Founder, the Healer, the Scholar, the Clockwork Dandy, and the Pugilist. The masquerade ball activities include, but are not limited to: The Game of Hard Truths, Scavenger Hunt, Talkin’ Fans, Sharing of Sweet Treats & Refreshments, Poetry Corner, Guess Who I Am, Trivia Contest, and, of course, Dancing. The Luciole Behavioral Research Team shall be in attendance to officiate the night’s revelries

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Calling All Citizens of Auxientia!

Do you have a burning question to ask? Maybe relationship trouble or an issue in your life? Well, there’s no need to fret! Simply ask Asmodeus! They will be sure to answer your questions as promptly and to the best of their ability they possibly can! Don’t wait until things get out of control – they’re here to help you! Just write in to the Auxientia Observer and the answers will be published in the Ask Asmodeus column! Ta-ta! Send all correspondence to

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Offense Is Meant Sincerely

Dear Editor,

I have recently discovered that the column “Fun Things to Do in Auxientia” was curtailed to make room for a new column in its place,  entitled “Laughs.” 

I am a faithful reader of the Observer, and I like to think I am not so critical as to poopoo a new idea without giving it a chance. But I must say, this poopoo must be flushed out forthwith. 

The beloved old section featured tourist destinations and neighborhood festivals. It featured coming events and interesting historical demonstrations. This new section on laughs presents freakish caricatures of our leaders and picture stories that look like ancient Bāhira icon drawings. 

I, sir, am not a picture book reader. I am a newspaperman. I purchase my paper believing in its integrity and in the power of the written word. I believe it was the first editor of the Observer, Kingit Barteus, that said, “Let this journal stand as a sword of light to banish the darkness of ignorance and spread the radiance of truth throughout the land.”

I can only imagine the shame you must feel when you think upon what the paper has become, full of advertisements and “funnies” and sensationalist stories about what The Gilded has got up to. As one born into The Gilded society, I wish for you to know that your caricatures are poppycock. They are poopoo, sirs, and you ought to feel ashamed of them. 

I should conclude by saying that I do not wish to offend, and only mean to alert you to these concerns.

However: I am afraid my blood is near to boiling, and that all offense is meant sincerely!


P. M. Snodgrass, Bindery Street

Who Needs Accountability When You Can Have an Opinion?

It’s a wonder of the modern age, isn’t it, that information, truthful or otherwise can be spread quick as a spark to the whole of a city. This reader wonders, if maybe the average Auxentian should consider reading the paper with a grain of salt instead of browsing over breakfast. The recent op-ed by the so-called “Mr. Mann” has roused me from my comfortable perusal of recent events to take up my own pen against the vile personal attack of Luciole Ltd’s very own Maren Tinker! Maren Tinker, who invented the PTD. Maren Tinker, who has dedicated her whole adult life and no small part of her adolescence to Luciole. Maren Tinker, whose generosity and compassion led her to thoroughly examine the inner workings of Luciole.

The only thing I can think of that the previous Board members were truly responsible for was violation of Luciole bylaws, withholding valuable information from their own employees, and prioritizing short-term profit over everything else. IF the former Board members were actually so valuable to the work force, they should have no difficulty whatsoever finding new positions.

If this Mann fellow likes, he can continue writing his revolting fantasies. Or, if he feels the urge to contribute to Auxentian society, he can cease this rambling, and employ his ample time and energy to a shoe-shine stand.

-N. Annie Moss


(The following is an op-ed written by Norman Elliot Mann and is not the official stance of the Observer – Editorial)

When I was a child, I watched an air taxi get struck by lightning over Dunmeadow. One second, the balloon was a testament to the indomitable human spirit, boldly fighting against the wind and the rain. Then came the flash and the thunder. The entire machine exploded. Incandescent fire and slag fell from the sky, steam rising as the heat alone vaporized the rain. Those above and below screamed, their voices joining the cacophony of the storm.

It is still, to this day, the most horrific thing I have ever seen. The entire time, I could not look away. As terrible as the explosion was, it had a mesmerizing power. I was spellbound in the face of true, unmitigated disaster.

The new direction of the Luciole comes as close as anything ever has to replicating that intoxicating mix of hypnotic dread.

For those unaware, the Luciole recently called for a vote of no confidence in their Board of Directors. They cited unethical business practices, inhumane working conditions, and a lack of oversight and accountability. The other factions agreed to dissolve the board, leaving Luciole LTD in the hands of three people — Maren Tinker, CEO, Ariel de Rais, COO, and Viv Bower, CTO.

Setting aside this new triumvirate for a moment, the dissolution of the board came as a shock to the city at large. Over the past few decades, Luciole LTD had flourished under the direction of Emiliana Harrison, Jameson Jeter, and the other members of the former board. They reported record profits year after year, and brought us incredible, life-changing technologies that have become the background of our everyday lives. You might be using your PTD to read this article — if not for the former board, you likely wouldn’t have a PTD!

I am not so blind as to suggest that the former board was above reproach. There were rumblings prior to the vote that they prioritized profits over people— though this is a charge leveled at all titans of industry. A few disgruntled inventors also implied the board covered up some suspicious experiments — though they were quick to cut ties with Climus Lily when the Bahira accused him of stealing medical secrets! Some factions also expressed frustration at their handling of the irregulars’ attempts to unionize — though they cannot be held to blame for the bombings, which were carried out by the Men of Iron!

But on the whole, the Board of Directors was a good thing, a guiding hand at the wheel of Auxientia’s most important industrial player.

Now, close to a century of combined business experience has been replaced with the former CEO’s daughter, a former executive assistant, and a loose cannon inventor who rejoined the Luciole less than a year ago.

While I have reservations about all three, Maren Tinker deserves the most ink. As CEO, she will be responsible for setting the company culture moving forward. It is a job her mother performed admirably for many years — and without complaint. Janeway collaborated with the Board of Directors — if they were really as terrible as the vote implies, why didn’t Janeway attempt to dissolve them?

The popular image of Maren as a wonderchild got her on newsstands and into the common consciousness, but she’s not a child any more. And CEO shouldn’t be a position chosen on the basis of popularity! Had Janeway appointed Maren as her successor, we would have all cried “nepotism!” and hated the move — what makes this different?

By all accounts, Maren is a lovely person who desires nothing more than to spread friendship and harmony. But she isn’t in charge of the Auxientian Best Friends Society, she’s CEO of the largest corporation in the city. Corporations have to make money, not friends.

While I don’t want to doomsay, I can’t see any way this goes other than “quite badly.”

-Norman Elliot Mann

The Enemy of Your Enemy

I offer my words to the citizens of Auxentia:
Gov’ner is dead. I was the one who instigated it.

The previous Hawkhurst died alongside him, a gang of criminals only looking after themselves… Now, we look after the city, in our own lawless way. Did you know that the antidote for even the most potent venom is synthesized from the venom itself? How even the most dangerous thing can be used for good, if put into the right hands. The Hawkhurst… It was not in the right hands previously. But I implore you to trust me and my modus operandi, using this bastion of chaos and darkness as a wall against those who strive to destroy our city and the factions themselves.

To the Bahira: Your tales remind us of the past, of how things could turn. Scream your stories to the heavens, tell the people your worst scenarios. They’ll go to war.

To the Parastin: You always were the ones with the largest hearts. Don’t stop, save who you can, cutting all those down who may stop you.

To the Gilded: They say money is the root of all evil, yet I have yet to meet an evil Gilded. You all use your money for good, for the better of the city.

To Luciole: Your minds shine like the brightest firefly, and I pray your intelligence does not let in the creeping thoughts of doubt. Create the city’s best.

To my Irregulars: We are the beaten, the downtrodden, yet we are a family. What we lack in everything else, we strive in numbers and connections. We work together.

“The city is what you make it.” That is what we are told so much as we grow up in Auxentia. It is what we make it. Yet in the recent months, it begs the question… Is it truly? Or is it an amalgamation of the lies told to us by the Silent Partners. And so I took my destiny into my own hands, molding what I want for this city, no matter how twisted my methods may be: it is still the city that I make it. And to truly stop the lingering threat that looms over us, you reach out and grasp your destiny as well.

I will be at the Lightning Bug Ball, to all those who wish to converse. The Hawkhurst methods may be crude, but they get the job done. I pray you do not judge me too harshly.

Let justice be done, lest the city will fall.



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Irregular Rejuvenation!

Honest work need not be mechanical! Have your mechanical wonders lost their amazement? Have those shiny new gears begun to dim? Why rely on faulty machines to do the work? Worried your workers might stall next time it rains? Science can fail us, but Ratcliff Laborers are reliable! No lumenstone needed! No programming required! Ratcliff Laborers has been supplying hardy, dependable work for 20 years, with workers in all sectors of Auxientia. No job is too hard for a Ratcliff Laborer! Satisfaction guaranteed and protection ensured by the Irregulars themselves. To receive signed attestations of reliability and discretion of Ratcliff

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The Gilded

“Money is the coal that powers the steam engine of civilization. Coal, under sufficient pressure, yields diamonds.” Due to their background as leaders of Auxientia’s powerful guilds, and as tribute to the great wealth they possess, the aristocratic families with the greatest influence on Auxientian policy are known as the “Gilded.” The Gilded plan the city’s infrastructure, from transportation to sewage to taxes to celebration days. They are the civil engineers who ensure that the cogs of the city machinery align; they troubleshoot the places where those gears grind; and they repair or replace city structures that aren’t working as

The Irregulars

We are the forgotten ones, the ignored, the unseen. We are everywhere. We are the powerless, the nothing people, the dregs. We are the people. We are Auxientia. The Irregulars are the loose parts of society. Street rats, orphans, thieves, and the disenfranchised: the irregular. You come from all walks of life, though the main body of your population exists among the lower classes. You are society’s misfits, the mismatched cogs, the wrenches in the gears. You see imperfect laws more acutely than any, for injustice affects you more than most. For some of your kind, laws are mere obstacles


Wind riders. Tale Spinners. Beast warriors.  “Let the wind be your counsel and your steed. Embrace it, let it lift you. But do not trust things made of wind, for wind is a fickle ally.” Ruggedly individualistic and driven, the majority of the Bāhira roam the highlands above and around Auxientia, where ancient Bāhira cities built into natural stone columns loom above the valley. In these remote highlands, they carry on the way of life they have known for centuries before the coming of the exiles. As a Bāhira, your people were the first to discover lumenstone and fashion those

Luciole LTD.

“There is no magic but science, and evidence casts the light of truth.” Luciole Ltd. doesn’t have a monopoly on technology and innovation in Auxientia, but they are the largest company with access to the most resources, and the city relies upon Luciole railways, Luciole airships, Luciole electricity, Luciole steam power, Luciole automatons, and Luciole lumenstone technology to function. In spite of its status as Auxientia’s most successful private company, Luciole Ltd. views its workers as part of an extended and exclusive Luciole family. Whether working from the colossal honeycomb-shaped “Hive” tower or strolling the Luciole-designed Rose Arbor overlooking the

Parastin Order

“. . . I vow to defend the weak and downtrodden, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and to shield these lands from foes within and without. I shall not take up arms against the law, nor smite a defenseless foe, nor dishonor the Parastin order with windy action or heated word.” —from the Parastin Oath of the Last Law As a Parastin Protector, you defend the downtrodden and those incapable of defending themselves. You belong to a martial order, and while most Protectors are veteran soldiers, not every Parastin struggle takes place on a battlefield, especially as the

Crash and Confusion!

Auxientian police are investigating the murder of Palani Bri, industrialist, after the destruction of his airship, Regata, last week. Regata departed from Steam Station Port on Monday with a skeleton crew. Bri’s planned to test a new hydrogen spanner he hoped to patent post-flight. The ship sailed the air for thirteen minutes before catching fire and plummeting to the ground. Neither aerobrakes nor parachutes were deployed, and the ship continued to earth unhindered.  Of the crew, twelve of the thirteen were discovered on the ground, having escaped in personal gliders. The Auxientian Investigative Module questioned the survivors, but AIM have

Vandalism at Jam’ mā Community Hall

Police are still investigating, but according to three anonymous sources connected to the hall, an intruder is believed to have broken in through a fanlight, an illegal means of entry termed “fanlight jumping” in some Irregular circles. Jam’ mā Community Hall serves as a meeting place for several social clubs and houses many of the city’s more obscure historical items.  A quick inventory of the hall’s artifacts suggests that the vandalism may have been restricted to a single unpublished manuscript considered taboo by the Bāhira, entitled Wyverns of Auxientia: Sacred Passages Filled with Wisdom, by Śikṣaka. According to one source,

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