Scene Painting

In Auxientia, we strive for immersion as much as possible. While we would love to have actual airships and wyverns within a sprawling Victorian style mega-city, we know that isn’t completely possible. As players and staff we’ve all made an unspoken agreement to suspend our disbelief and accept the world of Auxientia and its elements as our reality during the game. So how do we roleplay the “impossible” elements of our game and still make the roleplay active? 

Occasionally, an NPC or Plot Team may approach you and create a Scene Painting with you and other players. They may ask if you consent to being touched or moved. The NPC or PT are asking you to engage with them in imagining a roleplaying prompt that will become part of your story: 

“Good evening. As you walk down this dark, foreboding alley, the concert sounds of the orchestra can be heard inside the building to your left. The familiar song evokes a memory of your youth- of visiting your grandmother and the tang of her cranberry sauce on your tongue. It’s a warm comfort that contrasts with the sharp clicks of your heels on wet brick of the cobblestones. You look further ahead and realize a large creature is standing at the end of the alley, blocking your way. Their silhouette is intimidating and their shoulders tense as your eyes meet. Behind you, a large dog barks aggressively.” 

Now, perhaps another PT is making the sounds of the dog. Perhaps another player has asked to join in and is making the sound of a second dog. 

“The wyvern at the end of the alley takes a looming step in your direction. Its dark green scales glitter. It growls low. The wyvern reaches out for you with one of its rough claws.” 

<Do you let it grab you?>

<If yes:> Members of the Plot Team use hand signals to check in that you are okay with everything so far and consenting. 

“You are in the sky, the sound of it’s large wings beat like thunder in your ears.” 

The PT lifts you up and simulates your adventure in the sky with the wyvern and the NPC/PT continues to provide details! What happens next is your choice! 

<If no: a resolution which incorporates the player choice>

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