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Auxientian society is a complex machine made up of people from all walks of life, whose contesting aims, desires, and values clash as they struggle for influence and dominance.

These aims, desires, and values roughly fall into five major categories.

Gilded: City Government | Trade
Bāhira: World Affairs | Tradition
Luciole: Industry | Progress
Parastin: Protection | Defense
Irregulars: Liberty | Labor
A faction isn’t a family, though powerful families, companies, and organizations exist within, and powerfully influence, each faction.

The faction you align with is the one that best reflects your own values, desires, or beliefs, even if these are secret, known only to yourself.

Factions might be compared to political parties within in the same nation or religious orders within the same faith: they are all part of the same society; they all want the society to succeed; but they have different views on what that success looks like and which faction best represents the beliefs, ideals, and values of their society.

In a traditional role-playing game, choosing a faction is like choosing an alignment: when you choose your faction, you’re choosing your values. There are vast numbers of Auxientians who reject the factions or don’t believe in them. Even this is a choice, and those that reject the notion of factions belong to the Irregulars.

Players explore their characters, their factions, and the city in this game. Each are interconnected as players attempt to define themselves through these three components. Each component is increasingly more difficult to exert influence over. There are a multitude of subfactions within Auxientia and Mutu at large, but there are five major ones.


Wind riders. Tale Spinners. Beast warriors.  “Let the wind be your counsel and your steed. Embrace it, let it lift you. But do not trust things made of wind, for wind is a fickle ally.” Ruggedly individualistic and driven, the majority of the Bāhira roam the highlands above and around

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The Gilded

“Money is the coal that powers the steam engine of civilization. Coal, under sufficient pressure, yields diamonds.” Due to their background as leaders of Auxientia’s powerful guilds, and as tribute to the

Luciole LTD.

“There is no magic but science, and evidence casts the light of

Parastin Order

“. . . I vow to defend the weak and downtrodden, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and to shield these lands from foes within and without. I shall not take up arms against the law, nor smite a defenseless foe, nor dishonor the Parastin order with windy action or heated word.” —from the


Luciole LTD.

“There is no magic but science, and evidence casts the light of truth.” Luciole Ltd. doesn’t have a monopoly on technology and innovation in Auxientia, but they are the largest company with access to the most resources, and the city relies upon Luciole railways, Luciole airships, Luciole electricity, Luciole steam power, Luciole automatons, and Luciole


The Irregulars

We are the forgotten ones, the ignored, the unseen. We are everywhere. We are the powerless, the nothing people, the dregs. We are the people. We are Auxientia. The Irregulars are the loose parts of society. Street rats, orphans, thieves, and the disenfranchised: the irregular. You come from all walks of life, though the main


The Gilded

“Money is the coal that powers the steam engine of civilization. Coal, under sufficient pressure, yields diamonds.” Due to their background as leaders of Auxientia’s powerful guilds, and as tribute to the great wealth they possess, the aristocratic families with the greatest influence on Auxientian policy are known as the “Gilded.” The Gilded plan the



Wind riders. Tale Spinners. Beast warriors.  “Let the wind be your counsel and your steed. Embrace it, let it lift you. But do not trust things made of wind, for wind is a fickle ally.” Ruggedly individualistic and driven, the majority of the Bāhira roam the highlands above and around Auxientia, where ancient Bāhira cities

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