This Day in History . . .

Five years ago . . . Henrietta Lynx released her debut tell-all novel I Went Where the Wyvern Fly, which remained on the Auxientia Observer list for seventy-four consecutive weeks. Ten years

Beginning in the early Steam Age, the lads and ladies were instructed to put lumenstones in their various mechanical wonders and did not bat an eyelash. They worked for Luciole Ltd., powering

Irregular Rejuvenation!

Honest work need not be mechanical! Have your mechanical wonders lost their amazement? Have those shiny new gears begun to dim? Why rely on faulty machines to do the work? Worried your

Offense Is Meant Sincerely

Dear Editor, I have recently discovered that the column “Fun Things to Do in Auxientia” was curtailed to make room for a new column in its place,  entitled “Laughs.”  I am a


Dear sirs and madams,  Auxientia has stood by too long ignoring the threat on its doorstep. I have written to your periodical five times to report this issue, and I am sad