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Racer Sets New Record

"Next time, I might be tempted to dare Auxientia and outrace the wyverns, but I had to keep this old gal together for at least one run,” Legbail said. “Now that I've done that, I'm gearing to fly a ship that can dance with those rascals."

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Riphaegen Ambassador Absconded!

Elders from the Island of Riphaegen demanded answers from Mayor Cannongrove regarding the disappearance of their ambassador to Auxientia, Marjorie Laurentis. The concerning disappearance was first noted by Ambassador Laurentis’s sister, Emmaline Laurentis, weeks prior. “Riphaegen put a lot of trust in Auxientia,” the younger Laurentis lamented, “and now we can’t even get a straight answer from authorities or the Mayor on what they’re doing to find my sister.” Laurentis was last seen at an Arms of Mercy facility using her abilities as a medical practitioner to help the cause. The organization has been recently steeped in a great deal

Poyais Search for First Lady Jay

In the Republic of Poyais a grief stricken populous yearns for their First Lady to come home. President Ferdinand Stewart is reportedly inconsolable and spends each day locked away in the makeshift capital building distraught. “Lady Jay,” as she is affectionately known by her many admirers in Poyais was last seen at a fundraising dance for the rebuilding of homes destroyed during the Poyais revolution. Witnesses described the First lady wearing a ball gown, wedding ring, and necklace unexpectedly sprinting outside and disappearing into the night. Rumors of foul play, exercise fads, and even witchcraft have taken over nearly all

Coulbourne Announces New Ambassador

Senator Verda Lawther of Sovereign Nation of Coalbourne announced in a letter that James Lignight will be replacing Andre Sullivan as the Coalbourne ambassador to Auxientia. Readers may recall Sullivan fell victim to the assassin plot in Duhura Market three months prior. According to the missive, Lignight hails from the Ashfall district and plans to arrive in Auxientia via the Janeway trade ship on its next circuit.

Security for Janeway’s Firefly Uncovers Black Market Poacher Ring of Wyvern Parts

An explosion in demand for wyvern parts for fake cures in beyonder lands has created a wyvern parts black market in Auxientia. Parastin Order security on the Janeway’s Firefly airship recently uncovered crates destined for ports in Qadar, Riphagen Isle, and Coalbourne with hidden compartments revealing wyvern parts, presumably gathered illegally by poachers. Advertisements and testimonials for patent medicines made with wyvern ingredients can now be found in the windows of nearly every pharmacy in beyonder lands. These various powders, potions, elixirs, and cordials are primarily peddled by quacks, charlatans, and confidence tricksters; some of whom falsely purport to be

Racer Sets New Record

"Next time, I might be tempted to dare Auxientia and outrace the wyverns, but I had to keep this old gal together for at least one run,” Legbail said. “Now that I've done that, I'm gearing to fly a ship that can dance with those rascals."

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