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Lumenstone Burglary!

A burglary claimed $9 million in etched lumenstones from the private estate of Phineas T. Barbunkle on Saturday night, the largest theft among the lake villas in a hundred years. The robbers entered the estate at approximately 1 a.m. through a service entrance and picked the lock on the vault

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Parastin Ionad Released from Police Custody

Current Ionad of the Parastin Yeagan Bascia has been released from police custody after spending the last few nights in jail. The highest ranking Parastin was arrested following an alleged altercation with an officer the Auxientian Police Department declined to identify. The official incident report said the officer responded to an assault in progress in Weatherglass on Friday evening. Upon arriving at the scene, the officer discovered Bascia standing between two inebriated Irregular factory workers. According to eyewitnesses, the officer demanded that Bascia stand down as he was operating outside of Parastin jurisdiction. Bascia ignored the officer and continued attempting

Gilded Elect New President!


After their tragic accident several weeks before the Mayoral Summit, former President Hattenfield has remained confined to their quarters. Although the injury seemed to have largely been confined to the President’s hip, this did prevent them from visiting the city at large and required a prolonged recovery. Gilded President Hattenfield did their best to see to the duties and oversee the runnings of the faction, after the most recent turmoil within Auxientia, they decided that they could no longer care for their faction from their bedroom. Thus deciding to step down and leave a vacancy in their wake. What followed

A SAD SOS – New at the Luciole!

Luciole LTD, recently under new management, has appointed a new Strategic Acquisitions Developer and Special Operations Specialist, according to people familiar with the matter. Quentin Cartwright, the youngest son of steel magnate and namesake of Cartwright Steel, Wolfram Tiberius Cartwright, joined the Hive in these newly created roles recently. His hiring was personally overseen by Maren Tinker, new Luciole CEO. As far as the Observer was able to determine, Quentin has not held a similar position previously, and was most recently studying abroad in Coalbourne. When the Observer reached out to the Coalbourne Chronicle about Quentin, our sister publication responded

Police Close All Apothecary Shops in City

Police raided and quickly closed and locked up all the apothecary shops in Auxientia late last night. Auxientia Police refused to comment citing the action as part of a larger “ongoing investigation.” Witnesses claimed no arrests were made but police were seen emptying shops of the last of their wyvern’s widow. Originally a medicine produced from wyvern venom to treat ear aches, wyvern’s widow was a common item found in most apothecary shops and amongst some healers. Experts caution the drug should only be taken in very small doses. More recently, it’s been discovered that somewhat larger doses produce hallucinations

Mystifying Owl Man Haunts City

Reports from Observer readers have been flying of a masked madman swooping in to terrify the citizens of our fair city in a nightly rampage. The mystifying owl man steals Pneumatic Translation Devices and absconds into the night. What’s more, this outlaw owl rips apart radios and interrogates innocent people about their “lost time” or “missing memories.” One victim, speaking only under the protection of anonymity, told this reporter the owl demanded to know if their devices contained “lanthanum components.” One can only conclude from these facts that this feathered freak is completely insane. Will the authorities act quickly to

Ceremony Commemorates Six Year Siege

Citizens of the city began the day at the Duhura Market, observing a moment of silence shortly before sunrise, around the time the first beyonder warship fired upon the city 17 years ago. Breaking the silence, a somber performance of “My True Love Turns You Away” was performed. The popular song, written at the end the Siege, depicts the forbidden love affair between a beyonder soldier and an Auxientian on opposing sides of the fortifications. The two communicate to one another in song, the soldier’s allegiances slowly turned by the Auxientian’s beauty and devotion for their besieged city. The final

Lumenstone Burglary!

A burglary claimed $9 million in etched lumenstones from the private estate of Phineas T. Barbunkle on Saturday night, the largest theft among the lake villas in a hundred years. The robbers entered the estate at approximately 1 a.m. through a service entrance and picked the lock on the vault doors in the basement of the estate, holding the Barbunkle family’s treasures dating back to the Exile period. The robbers removed the etched lumenstones from the glass display case that housed them using portable torches.  The Barbunkle family estate has housed Auxientian artifacts since its founding. Barbunkle’s ancestor, Jerome Martinado,

Police Vow to Reclaim Stolen Historical Items

Auxientia Police Captain Malcolm Locke confirmed to reporters that several historical items lent to Mayor Cannongrove for the historical summit held nine months ago have gone missing and are presumed stolen. Locke announced a task force is presently underway to recover the items. According to Police, the Auxientia Historical Society, Parastin Order, and Police themselves had lent out several historical items to the mayoral estate for the summit. Locke promised “swift and aggressive action” in the matter. Among the stolen items, Police are seeking the return of the Flywheel Mirror, used in the infamous Weatherglass Widow heist. The Flywheel Mirror

Puma Escapes Zoo. City on Alert.

A puma is on the loose in Auxientia. Zoo officials downplayed the danger when pressed by reporters, saying the situation was well in hand and they had every confidence that the wild beast would be reclaimed without serious incident or loss of human life.Zoo keeper Aldo Minsk warned citizens to be on the lookout for, “a black cat. He answers to the name Puma. He enjoys taking catnaps in the sun. Hard to say whether or not he’s a killer… mice maybe? He’s interested in birds, I guess? I think there’s been some sort of misunderstanding here. He’s not actually…

Police Let Gang Members Go?

A disturbing number of incidences are being claimed by citizens of brazen crime performed in broad daylight. The city police seemly not moved to action and, in some cases, complicitly releasing the suspects without charge. Who is this new criminal organization? If the selling of the new street drug, wyvern’s widow, is their trade, where are the illegal substances originating from? Wyvern’s widow was once a popular home remedy for ear aches, but larger doses can cause euphoric hallucinations in users. Too large of a dose can cause death, as was made evident in the Eclipse murders just three months

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