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Mayor Canongrove Calls Five Factions to Meet

Inside sources at City Hall confirmed Mayor Violet Canongrove has personally extended invitations to each of the city’s five powerful factions to send select members to a meeting to “decide on a matter of importance to Auxientia.” Details can only be speculated on at this time but anonymous sources within

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Democracy Rings in Poyais

The sun rose today for the first time on the new Republic of Poyais. Voting began in the early hours and is expected to last into the night without incident. The ugly rumors of the former emperor’s return have not come to fruition, and although security has been alert, no explosions or even the threat of bombs manifested in the weeks leading to this historic day. Julia McGregor, estranged daughter of the former emperor, removed herself from presidential nomination, stating that Poiyas needed “new leadership that would not be attached to my family name if we are to ever be

New Hospitals, But Where Are the Rooms?

Six months ago, Arms of Mercy was formed to create care for those in need. Auxientia applauded the valiant words of the St. James siblings as new hospitals were announced, care for Siege veterans would at long last arrive, and mercy to those suffering would be coming. A quick tour of these sites reveals a shiny exterior with very little to show inside. My younger brother Jock is among those caught up in the wyvern’s widow blight. He needs help, but when we took him to a nearby Arms of Mercy facility he was turned away for “lack of rooms.”

Bahira Council Member Resigns!

In an announcement outside the Jam’ mā Community Hall on Sunday morning, Bāhira Councilman Feneel Uṭhnu of the kula Samānatā has stepped down from his council seat. Bāhrain Elder and Council leader Feba Karuṇā made the announcement while Uṭhnu stood off to the side with his head down. Councilman Uṭhnu has served for twenty years on the Bāhirian council.  Elder Feba gave no word as to why he is stepping down but assured those in attendance that the council will be electing a new representative from kula Samānatā moving forward.  Only time will tell if the reasoning for Uṭhnu’s removal

Airship Launch Attracts Leaders of All Factions

Excitement ramps up in anticipation of this weekend’s maiden voyage of the Behemoth airship that has united the factions of Auxientia. Not since the Six Year Siege has the city seen this level of cooperation. The yet-unchristened vessel is set to depart the Duhura market this saturday, and it is sure to be the event of the season. The event promises to be a veritable who’s who of Auxientia’s leadership as faction leaders gather to wish their investment safe travels. Additionally this monumental event is expected to bring in members of the New City Council, formed at the Mayors meeting


The celebratory mood Friday night turned sour in Duhura Market as the body of Jordan Lambtree, a Parastin was discovered in the Gilded Wyvern. Members of all five factions and beyonder emissaries had gathered the night before the great airship launch. Unbeknownst to the guests, an assassin lurked in the shadows, targeting victims of the shadowy group known only as the Silent Partners. Poison was the weapon of choice as Lambtree’s body was found lurched over their tainted beverage. A sinister calling card identified the victim and the Silent Partners’ signature eye, sending a message that they are watching us

Behemoth Airship to Launch from Duhura Market

After generations of nearly complete isolation from the beyonder lands, safe trade and travel will take Auxientia into a new era with the historic undertaking of a massive new airship and unprecedented cooperation between all factions. The massive Empress is set to sail in its maiden voyage from Auxientia for the island of Riphagen to the Principality of Qadar, and the Sovereign nation of Coalbourne. The new Republic of Poyais was recently added as a destination after revolution led to democracy for their people and the banishment of emperor MacGregor and his imperial loyalists. The ship, designed by Luciole Ltd., financed by

Poyais No More? McGregor Flees!

Poyais Imperial forces abandoned their posts as the once impenetrable palace was overrun by the revolution in Poyais. Former Emperor MacGregor reportedly ordered the prisons emptied as a distraction while those still loyal to him looted the national treasury before their escape. What law and order remains has been split between keeping the peace and rounding up the more notorious criminals. A full accounting may not happen for some time as records were destroyed or missing, no doubt as part of McGregor’s final commands before parting. Weeks of deadly protests and the former government’s brutal handling of dissidents quickly fueled


Dear readers, today is a new day in Factory row.  In the early morning hours, Robert Irons along with the six factory owners emerged and announced together that they had reached an agreement.  One owner, Donavan von Everitt, with Roberts Irons, spoke to us about the details of this historic agreement. “With Mr. Irons input that he gathered from our workers, we have agreed to a collective union. These six facilities will all operate under the same standards. A pay increase to match the cost of living, reasonable work hours, improved maintenance and cleanliness of the factories themselves, and an


After weeks of silence from the factory owners, Robert Irons has brought them to the negotiating table. The boulevard fell silent as Irons asked the picketing workers to make a space for the owners to enter the factory, unharmed, to begin their talks. Over the last 3 weeks, not a single puff of smoke has come from the stacks of these factories. The street outside has seen workers making camps to stay for the duration of the strike, eager to see the results. Shop keeps and restaurants in the area have brought provisions for the picketing workers on the boulevard. 

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