From the Archives – Page 4 – The Auxientia Observer
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From the Archives - Page 4

Mayor Canongrove Calls Five Factions to Meet

Inside sources at City Hall confirmed Mayor Violet Canongrove has personally extended invitations to each of the city’s five powerful factions to send select members to a meeting to “decide on a matter of importance to Auxientia.” Details can only be speculated on at this time but anonymous sources within

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This Day in History

One year ago . . .  Rumors abound of a secret deal between Luciole Ltd and the Gilded causing the Irregulars to go on strike out of protest of exclusion from bargaining and fear of job security, crippling the city for weeks. Four year ago . . . Northern settlement attack. A number of Parastin are killed under mysterious circumstances. Reports indicate it is the remnants of beyonders. Since the attack, Parastins have taken to patrolling in pairs as an official Order decree. Ten years ago . . . Luciole Ltd. hires strike breakers when Irregular workers lobby for a

This Day in History

One year ago . . . Reports of wyverns nesting in the city send citizens into a panic. No nests are recovered but rumors persist leading to violence against Bāhira. Ten years ago . . . The Irregulars initiate work strikes against Luciole Ltd., lobbying for a shorter work week, which turned violent when strikebreakers arrived. Two factories are bombed, but no culprits are arrested. Twenty years ago . . . Ullēkhanīya, a notable member of the Bāhira, is found poisoned by a substance believed to be known only to the Bāhira and Parastin factions. Rumors spread that Ullēkhanīya was

This Day in History

Two years ago . . . Pelham bloodline ends. The Gilded create a holiday in remembrance of the benevolent family patriarch, called Pelham Solstice involving one day of rest seven days before exams. Twenty years ago . . . A radical group of Bāhira cause a cave-in at Mērō lumenstone mine, citing the destruction of the lumenstone as a cause. The site was to be visited by a delegation of the Gilded the next day for an annual inspection.  Fifty years ago . . . A contract with Luciole Ltd. to help with transport of lumenstones and other travel over

This Day in History

Four year ago . . . In a joint public statement, leaders of the Gilded and Luciole Ltd. announce the factions “are working on bettering relations.” Fifteen years ago . . . A great fire starts in the Dunmeadow slums and rages throughout the poorer neighborhoods before stretching throughout the city, leaving a trail of death and destruction. Several accusations surround the cause of the fire and why it burned so long. A city fire brigade was created in the aftermath.  Fifty years ago . . . The Gilded and Irregulars successfully lobby two other factions for a law to

This Day in History

Ten years ago . . . Bāhira hold the first Cāḍa, a festival “celebrating our ancestors, our deities and traditions” in Mutu in over two hundred years. The Cāḍa has slowly expanded from a faction celebration to a city-wide festival.  Seventeen years ago . . . Imperialist warships invade Auxientia in a deadly act of aggression. One of the two beyonder vessels is destroyed by the Parastin Order forcing the other ship to beat a hasty retreat for reinforcements. The heinous attack sparks the beginning of the Six Year Siege. Twenty years ago . . . Rumors abound regarding Bāhira’s

This Day in History . . .

Five years ago . . . Henrietta Lynx released her debut tell-all novel I Went Where the Wyvern Fly, which remained on the Auxientia Observer list for seventy-four consecutive weeks. Ten years ago . . . Cyril Fernsby appointed as chief educator at the Luciole Academy, over which he still presides. Eleven years ago . . . The Six-Year Siege ended with the Ward Compact, creating an uneasy peace with the beyonders to the west. Twenty years ago . . . Record-breaking temperatures for the fifth day in a row caused the Row Street Rattlers to cancel their match when

Beginning in the early Steam Age, the lads and ladies were instructed to put lumenstones in their various mechanical wonders and did not bat an eyelash. They worked for Luciole Ltd., powering the numerous innovations that have become part of our everyday life; from sky transports to the Pneumatic Translation Devices (PTDs) that allow us reliable communication in the palm of our hands. Since the work required great detail, only those with a sharp set of eyes and steady hands were allowed the final step in the manufacturing process. Each worker would repeat this hundreds of times per day. Work

Duhurian Adornus, Industrialist and Former Leader of the Gilded, Dies at 105

At his residence in this city, on Wednesday last, in the 105th year of his age, D. ADORNUS joined a wife and three children in death, whilst leaving fourteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren to mourn their irreparable loss. The deceased was born into a family of Parastin affiliation but rose due to merit, pluck, and no lack of wit at an early period of life, and at such time came to this city, after which he engaged in mercantile pursuits. Adornus led the Gilded through a tumultuous period and weathered the storm. Never one to retire easily, Adornus pursued his

Mayor Canongrove Calls Five Factions to Meet

Inside sources at City Hall confirmed Mayor Violet Canongrove has personally extended invitations to each of the city’s five powerful factions to send select members to a meeting to “decide on a matter of importance to Auxientia.” Details can only be speculated on at this time but anonymous sources within each faction confirmed that Bāhira, The Gilded, Parastin, The Irregulars, and Luciole Ltd. have all tentatively agreed to attend. Although the terms of the agreement could not be ascertained, an end to the hostilities which have plagued the city seems unlikely given the decades of bad blood between the factions.

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