1 min read

A third bombing has occurred in The Aerie at the largest of the Bahira’s Lumenstone refineries co-owned by the Gilded. The explosive caused a chain reaction throughout the factory as raw, corrupted, lumenstone waste set aside for later disposal ignited. The devastation is severe. Nothing of this magnitude has been seen since the Six Year Siege within the city walls. 

The city block in which the refinery sat has been nearly leveled. The surrounding blocks have seen damage as well but are still standing. Thankfully, most businesses were empty, as well as the factory, at the time of the explosion. Few residents reside on the factory block. The majority of the residents from the surrounding blocks have been accounted for with only a few still missing. Search parties continue at this time.  

Nearby hospitals, Rose of Hope and Healing Light, are both requesting aid from any healers that can help at this time. 

The Bahira leadership came forward, showing a united front in the wake of the devastation. Bahira Leader Vyara Kayda Sudhāra had this to say, “This incident will not be ignored and we will conduct a full investigation. If someone needs any medical assistance, do not hesitate to come. I am personally angry at whoever is doing these awful acts and will do everything in my power to alleviate suffering. We were all affected. Let us come together.” 

“My heart aches for those injured in this incident and all incidents that have preceded this one. May those that are still missing, be found. As one of the leaders of Bahira, their stories will not go untold. I will do whatever is in my power to find whoever or whatever is causing this pain to all the factions. Auxientia is one despite the differences between our factions. We are here, we are Auxientia strong.” said Leader Lucetta Kalektara. 

Kalektara added, “If anyone has any information, please come find me or Vyara.” Sudhāra followed with, “Anyone with any concerns about the nature of the attack should not hesitate to come forward and speak with either myself or Lucetta. We are here to listen and to help.”

In the recent weeks, three bombings have occurred, each of the five major factions being affected in some way by these incidents, although some more than others. In a brief statement, police announced they have a letter delivered to the nearby station only minutes before the explosion occurred. The contents of the letter have not yet been released to the public, but it is believed to be a communication from the bomber.

Could this be the reason the Mayor has called this meeting of the Factions? Who is this Bête Noire Bomber?

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