Gilded Elect New President!

1 min read

After their tragic accident several weeks before the Mayoral Summit, former President Hattenfield has remained confined to their quarters. Although the injury seemed to have largely been confined to the President’s hip, this did prevent them from visiting the city at large and required a prolonged recovery. Gilded President Hattenfield did their best to see to the duties and oversee the runnings of the faction, after the most recent turmoil within Auxientia, they decided that they could no longer care for their faction from their bedroom. Thus deciding to step down and leave a vacancy in their wake.

What followed was an intense few weeks of campaigning among the Gilded. Normally a much more prolonged affair, this Gilded Presidential Election saw the announcement of Hattenfield’s resignation followed a short two weeks later by the vote for a new President.

Despite this short turn-around, competition was fierce over the preeminent Gilded position, but it came as no surprise when the winner was announced yesterday evening. The new President of the Gilded is none other than Sabine St. James.

Gilded President Sabine St James

Noting clearly that Auxientia is in the early stages of grand transformation, Sabine St. James then declared that she was the best candidate for the job to see the Gilded into the upcoming era. During her campaigning, Sabine was careful to highlight the close connections she had with the other factions, including Robert Irons in the Irregulars, Yeagan Bascia Ionad of the Parastin, the many among the Bahira who helped form the Arms of Mercy, and her own sister Zsa Zsa St. James among the Luciole and close associate of the new CEO.

At the announcement of the winner, a few tears were noted by those closest to Sabine St. James while she promised to “do her best for the Gilded.” Personalized thank you notes were promptly received by all the Gilded faction. The city of Auxientia is encouraged to give a warm welcome to the new Gilded President, Sabine St. James!

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