Gossip – The Auxientia Observer


1 min read

The mayor’s oh-so-secretive meeting is fast approaching and I’ve got some fresh whisperings, dear readers! It seems some Bāhira were overhead at a mine! They’re planning to bring in a chest FULL of lumenstones to the mayor’s meeting as their bargaining chip. And that’s not all, dear readers! Those Bāhira plan to divide the lumenstones up among the Parastins, Irregulars, and Luciole Ltd. The Bāhira plan to exclude… the Gilded! Our purple, flowered, faction friends already have a small stockpile of lumenstones and that is what is getting them left out in the cold. Scandalous! Those Bāhira are curious what the factions will offer them in return. What indeed!

-Henrietta Hush

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