Mayor Canongrove Calls Five Factions to Meet – The Auxientia Observer

Mayor Canongrove Calls Five Factions to Meet

1 min read

Inside sources at City Hall confirmed Mayor Violet Canongrove has personally extended invitations to each of the city’s five powerful factions to send select members to a meeting to “decide on a matter of importance to Auxientia.” Details can only be speculated on at this time but anonymous sources within each faction confirmed that Bāhira, The Gilded, Parastin, The Irregulars, and Luciole Ltd. have all tentatively agreed to attend.

Although the terms of the agreement could not be ascertained, an end to the hostilities which have plagued the city seems unlikely given the decades of bad blood between the factions. Canongrove was voted in on a platform for city unity by a slim margin, narrowly beating out incumbent Abner “Boss” Shifter. Shifter was widely believed to be enabling the schisms within the city and within factions themselves with persistent accusations of profiteering. Despite this change in leadership, violence among factions has persisted and recent polls conducted by The Auxientia Observer show tensions are at all time high.

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