Police Close All Apothecary Shops in City

1 min read
Boiler’s Apothecary shop closed to the public by order of Auxientia Police. Former shop owner Trever Northlight sleeps outside the locked door.

Police raided and quickly closed and locked up all the apothecary shops in Auxientia late last night. Auxientia Police refused to comment citing the action as part of a larger “ongoing investigation.” Witnesses claimed no arrests were made but police were seen emptying shops of the last of their wyvern’s widow. Originally a medicine produced from wyvern venom to treat ear aches, wyvern’s widow was a common item found in most apothecary shops and amongst some healers. Experts caution the drug should only be taken in very small doses. More recently, it’s been discovered that somewhat larger doses produce hallucinations in users. An underground market for the drug has developed with a growing number of users “playing wyvern’s roulette.” Extreme caution should be used when taking wyvern’s widow as the drug can act as a deadly poison in large enough doses.

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