Republic of Poyais citizens organize efforts for Jay to return

Poyais Search for First Lady Jay

1 min read

In the Republic of Poyais a grief stricken populous yearns for their First Lady to come home. President Ferdinand Stewart is reportedly inconsolable and spends each day locked away in the makeshift capital building distraught. “Lady Jay,” as she is affectionately known by her many admirers in Poyais was last seen at a fundraising dance for the rebuilding of homes destroyed during the Poyais revolution. Witnesses described the First lady wearing a ball gown, wedding ring, and necklace unexpectedly sprinting outside and disappearing into the night. Rumors of foul play, exercise fads, and even witchcraft have taken over nearly all discussions as the people of the new Republic desperately seek answers. Lady Jay was seen as an instrumental figure in the Poyais presidential election; a charismatic force that captivated the populace, driving President Ferdinand Stewart’s campaign from near bottom to a landslide once the two married. Not much was known about the First Lady prior to her relationship with President Stewart and involvement as an advisor in the first presidential race in the history of Poyais. Lady Jay’s magnetism was undeniable in what was at first thought to be a historic, but otherwise mundane election that many in Poyais had felt presented lackluster candidates proposing nearly identical policies. As the search widens, Poyais has sought the aid of their international neighbors to bring home their beloved Lady Jay safe and sound.

Republic of Poyais citizens organize efforts for Jay to return
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